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San Ramon 快播成人

Unified School District
We are reimagining success on a foundation of academic excellence so that all students can thrive! Stewardship of resources includes sound fiscal management that helps us to provide quality education for students.
The Budget Department is responsible for establishing and maintaining the adopted budget in all district funds.  The budgets for these funds are created through decisions made by the Board of Education, district administration, principals and program managers. Once adopted, revisions are made based on actual expenses throughout the year with the approval of the Board of Education. Each December and March a financial report required by the state is certified by the Board to evaluate and track the district's financial position.  
The funds of the District include the General Fund, Student Activity Fund, Child Nutrition Fund, Special Reserve Fund, Building Fund, Capital Facilities Fund (Developer Fees), County School Facilities Fund, Special Reserve Capital Outlay Fund, Bond Interest & Redemption Fund, Self Insurance Fund, Retiree Benefit Fund and a Foundation Private Trust Fund.
Other areas that the Budget Department is also responsible for include position control and student attendance accounting.  Based on decisions made by the Board of Education and district administration, position control involves verification and auditing of all positions created or removed .  This method ensures that no personnel action occurs without prior budget and program authorization.  The District receives revenue from the State of California based on the average days of attendance for each student.  Student attendance accounting tracks student attendance and submits reports to the State of California three times per year.   
The Budget Department also collects Developer Fees. These fees are collected from construction of new dwellings and additions greater than 500 square feet that occur within the district's boundaries for both residential and commercial construction projects.  The fees are deposited into the Capital Facilities Fund and are used to provide additional school facilities needed due to growth.  A Developer Fee Report is prepared annually that details the receipts and expenditures of the fund.  A Facility Needs Analysis is also completed each year that determines the rates that can be charged by the District. 

Approximate length of video: 50 minutes

The General Fund, with a budget of just over $400 million, is the chief operating fund for all school districts and is divided into restricted and unrestricted.  School districts record revenue and expenditures accordingly based upon the type of funds received, or the expenditure type of items purchased and/or services obtained. 

Budget Department Contacts

Budget Department Contacts

Executive Director, Business Services 

Site Liaison, General Fund,
Categorical Programs, Developer Fees
Educational Services Budgets

Position Control, Cost Estimates
Student Attendance, Bell Schedules,
Instructional Minutes
Other Funds, Building Funds,
Child Nutrition, Developer Fees
Accounting & Payroll Analyst
Special Education Budget, SELPA,
IEP expenditures